Managing Low Appetite
Low appetite is a common issue that can arise when caring for someone. It can be challenging for family caregivers, and frustrating for the person who doesn’t feel like eating. This video provides suggestions on some ways to manage this situation.
Nutrition Basics
Choosing a healthy diet is an important part of maintaining the overall well-being of family caregivers and those they care for. This video provides tips and offers meal suggestions that are cost effective and easy to prepare at home.
Denise Austin: You Did It, Now Keep Moving!
Fit & Fun 2019 is over, but stay active! Try these great ideas on how to do that in a few beginner-friendly moves that you can do at home.
Denise Austin: 5 Strength-Training Moves to Complement Your Walk
Adding some muscle can make you a better, faster walker and help burn more calories.
Denise Austin: Transform Your Walk Into a Full-Body Workout
Walking burns calories, lifts your heart rate and boosts metabolism — and with a few added steps, it can also help tone your arms and core.
Denise Austin: How to Make Walking a Habit
There are many ways to keep walking fun and interesting. Find out how you can make your walking routine work for you.
Denise Austin: There’s a Right Way to Walk
Walking is a great way to exercise, but using improper technique can catch up to you over time. Find out how you can get the most out of your walk.
Denise Austin: Sneak in Mini Workouts to Stay Fit
Form a habit that sticks by focusing on what drives you to meet your fitness goals.
Denise Austin: 5 Reasons to Find a Workout Buddy
Working out with a buddy isn’t just fun, it holds you accountable and keeps you motivated. Find a friend to join you on your fitness journey and make your healthy habit stick.
Denise Austin: To Stick With an Exercise Habit, Find Your 'Why'
Form a habit that sticks by focusing on what drives you to meet your fitness goals.
Upper Body Strength Workouts You Can Do In A Chair
Try upper body exercises that anyone can do with late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's personal trainer, Bryant Johnson.
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