The AARP Minute: April 24, 2023
In today’s “AARP Minute,” the rise of hospital-at-home programs; plus a study ranks the best states for remote work.
Recognizing the Role of Family Caregivers in Hospital at Home
The Hospital at Home model delivers acute hospital-level care to eligible patients where they live instead of in the traditional hospital setting. This means that family caregivers may find themselves providing more hands-on assistance to the patient
Mentation: Recognizing Dementia, Delirium, and Depression
This video shows you the importance of recognizing delirium, depression, and dementia in older adults during hospital stays and at home.
Hospital Stays: What to Know About Medication
Tips for working with the medical team to assure patients use medications safely and reduce the risks of negative medication interactions.
Preparing for a Hospital Stay: What to Know Before You Go
How family caregivers can help the person they care for prepare for a planned or unplanned stay in the hospital.
Hospital Discharge and Beyond: Why Family Caregivers Need Support in Care Transitions
Learn from healthcare leaders driving age-friendly policies and practices to offer more recognition and support to family caregivers.
How Leading-Edge Health Systems Integrate Family Caregivers
AARP and The John A. Hartford Foundation lead a discussion with health system leaders innovating on hospital front lines in support of family caregivers.
The AARP Minute: March 11, 2021
In today's "AARP Minute," new guidelines mean nursing homes could allow indoor visits, plus research suggests out-of-pocket costs for COVID-19 hospitalizations could average $1,000.
Leading System Change in Support of Family Caregivers
Hear from hospital innovators leading big system change in support of integrating the family caregiver and the hospital care team.
Support & Train Family Caregivers
Hear from hospital innovators working to provide instruction on complex tasks to prepare family caregivers to deliver care at home.
Managing Medications: Administering Insulin Injections
Detailed instructions for family caregivers who need to help someone administer an insulin injection, a medication used to treat diabetes.
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