Beginner Yoga – Child’s Pose - AARP
Learn how to do the child’s pose. Namaste!
Beginner Yoga – Warrior II Pose - AARP
Learn how to do the Warrior II yoga pose. Namaste!
The Top Exercise to do While You Pop Popcorn - AARP
AARP Wellness Ambassador Denise Austin shows you how to turn idle time into toning time with countertop push-ups. Strengthen your arms, chest, and shoulders while you pop popcorn. Challenge yourself and enjoy your popcorn!
Ready, Set, Go! Denise Austin is Back! - AARP
Meet AARP’s new Wellness Ambassador Denise Austin. At almost 60 years of age, Denise wants to help people feel the best they can, through exercise, eating right and a healthy attitude.
Building Muscle With Braganza - AARP
Braganza shows five strength exercises to get a total body workout.
Magic run
Angela started running when she found out her magic number was $57,177 – the amount she may save on health care by losing weight. Learn how she got her number — and how to get yours.
The World's Best Stretch - AARP
Make sure your workout includes this stretch to increase flexibility, improve blood flow and reduce stress.
Dr. Oz Introduction
Dr. Oz explains why exercising is especially important as we grow older.