Webinar: Implementing Workplace Emergency Savings


We know employees want and need emergency savings accounts, but setting up a program may be daunting. That’s why AARP and the US Chamber of Commerce brought together a panel of benefit specialists from Humana, Delta, Amazon, and LEVI’S who have set up successful emergency savings programs. This webinar will walk us through the nuts and bolts of establishing a program, including everything from surveying employees, convincing the C-suite, vendor selection, program rollout and employee engagement.

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Webinar: Implementing Workplace Emergency Savings

We know employees want and need emergency savings accounts, but setting up a program may be daunting. That’s why AARP and the US Chamber of Commerce brought together a panel of benefit specialists from Humana, Delta, Amazon, and LEVI’S who have set up successful emergency savings programs. This webinar will walk us through the nuts and bolts of establishing a program, including everything from surveying employees, convincing the C-suite, vendor selection, program rollout and employee engagement.