Panel 2: Service Provider and Employer Perspectives on Emergency Savings


This session of the Emergency Savings - Where We Are and the Way Forward conference showcases the journey of an employer that implemented an out of plan emergency savings program that had a massive 65% signup in just the first two months. Panelists: 1. Emily Kolle, VP of Product Management, Fidelity 2. Tom Armstrong, Head of Customer Analysis and Insight, Voya 3. Ryan Igleheart, Principal, Total Rewards, Humana Moderator: Tim Flacke, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Commonwealth

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Panel 2: Service Provider and Employer Perspectives on Emergency Savings

This session of the Emergency Savings - Where We Are and the Way Forward conference showcases the journey of an employer that implemented an out of plan emergency savings program that had a massive 65% signup in just the first two months. Panelists: 1. Emily Kolle, VP of Product Management, Fidelity 2. Tom Armstrong, Head of Customer Analysis and Insight, Voya 3. Ryan Igleheart, Principal, Total Rewards, Humana Moderator: Tim Flacke, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Commonwealth