ADUs Help Families Address a Variety of Housing Needs
ADUs (accessory dwelling units) can expand housing options for community members by offering lower cost housing that suits a variety of needs. In this video, families discuss the benefits of having an ADU including generating additional income, providing housing for a care recipient, expanding affordable housing options for community members and creating an accessible living space to support someone aging in place.
ADUs (accessory dwelling units) can expand housing options for community members by offering lower cost housing that suits a variety of needs. In this video, families discuss the benefits of having an ADU including generating additional income, providing housing for a care recipient, expanding affordable housing options for community members and creating an accessible living space to support someone aging in place.
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Expanding Housing Through Policy: ADUs in Ashland, OR
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ADUs Help Families Address a Variety of Housing Needs
ADUs (accessory dwelling units), also called in-law units, English basements, or alley flats, can provide more housing options to community members.
Creating a Living Space for the Neighbors
Scott wants to use his garage to build an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) for someone in his community who needs low cost housing.