Real Possibilities with Jay Stone Shih: Health Care for Elders with Limited English


There are currently about five million elders with limited English proficiency in the United States, and there is a continuing trend of growth every year. When working with the health care system, we encourage you to ask for language assistance while you are making an appointment. Using qualified interpreters can help you understand medical-related content more accurately and communicate better with your physician. If you want more information or help with language access, you can consult your local legal aid program and they will provide free in-language help.

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Real Possibilities with Jay Stone Shih: Health Care for Elders with Limited English

There are currently about five million elders with limited English proficiency in the United States, and there is a continuing trend of growth every year. When working with the health care system, we encourage you to ask for language assistance while you are making an appointment. Using qualified interpreters can help you understand medical-related content more accurately and communicate better with your physician. If you want more information or help with language access, you can consult your local legal aid program and they will provide free in-language help.