G-Tube Feeding Guidelines
The thought of managing a gastrostomy tube, or G-tube, at home can be scary. This video streamlines the process and offers tips and techniques to aid both the person and the family caregiver managing this challenging situation.
Helping to Feed Persons with Dementia
Determining the best approach to maximize food intake for those with Alzheimer’s or related dementias can be a challenge. Every person and situation can be different. This video demonstrates helpful techniques.
Managing Low Appetite
Low appetite is a common issue that can arise when caring for someone. It can be challenging for family caregivers, and frustrating for the person who doesn’t feel like eating. This video provides suggestions on some ways to manage this situation.
Nutrition Basics
Choosing a healthy diet is an important part of maintaining the overall well-being of family caregivers and those they care for. This video provides tips and offers meal suggestions that are cost effective and easy to prepare at home.
AARP Honors the 2018 Capitol Caregivers and Super Savers
Nearly 90 elected officials helped champion bipartisan solutions to help older Americans this year. AARP congratulates the 2018 Capitol Caregivers and Super Savers.
The CARE Act: Helping Caregivers From Hospital to Home
The CARE Act is now law in 40 states and territories! Learn how it can help family caregivers when a loved one goes into the hospital.
Play the 'Do You Care Challenge'
Experience a day in the life of someone who is caring for a loved one and balancing everyday life. You will walk away with an understanding of the joys and challenges of family caregiving and then be better prepared to offer support.
What Is AARP Family Caregiving?
We offer resources, practical tips and advice that may help you in your caregiving journey. AARP family caregiving expert Amy Goyer walks you through.
Be Part of "I Heart Caregivers"
Find out how to participate in our storytelling initiative, learn about our advocacy work in family caregiving and share your caregiving story.
What Is a "Prepare to Care Guide"?
With more than 40 million people taking care of a loved one in the U.S., AARP helps people ease into the caregiving journey in five basic steps.
About AARP’s Online Communities for Family Caregivers
Are you a caregiver? You’re not alone. We explain how you can find support from those going through similar situations with our online forum.
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